Design will help save the world.
I believe that the world can be
You probably believe that, too.
We need to use create better

How I Can Help:

My permanent coordinates:
San Francisco, CA

<my first name> @ <my first name> .com

My current coordinates: San Francisco




Tools for the Future:

These are the tools that will help us build better products and services, more successful organizations and relationships,  more satisfying experiences of all kinds, and a better world, overall. Some are entirely new, others are evolutions of existing ones. All point the way to a more successful future.……………………………………………………………………………………….

Upcoming Speaking & Travel:
• Sept 4: Aarhus, Denmark
• Sept 5: Helsinki, Finland for the Joint Futures conference



Strategy Tools

Leadership Tools

Systems Tools

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The First Golden Age of AI is Over

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The Triple Diamond

The Triple Diamond

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