In the interaction design program I teach in, we’re constantly trying to get our students to think beyond the app-or-website paradigm of interaction design. These two forms of digital content and control are so pervasive that it’s difficult for students, who have seen few if any other forms of digital interaction, to imagine plying their skills to the design of other kinds of devices, services, or experiences. So, in order to expand our understanding and recognition of interaction design in a broader context, I’ll start highlighting projects, especially from the near past, that speak to solutions, media, paradigms, and forms that describe a wider field of possibilities than app-or-website.

In the following weeks (I’ll try to publish regularly, perhaps, weekly), I’ll highlight some notable experiences that show interaction as alternatives to app or website (or specific, tired paradigms). Some of these will come from my newly updated book, Experience Design 1.2, and its sequels I never got around to. Otherwise, will be new.

Up first: Osmose from 1995