Way back in 1998, I and a three others at TheUnderstandingBuinsess worked on a quick proposal to IKEA to redesign their assembly instructions (just imagine if they had taken us up on the idea!). To send it to the corporate office in Sweden we designed the entire proposal as a long FAX (this is when FAX machines used rolls of paper instead of separate A2 and letter-sized sheets). I have a full copy of the roll but attached is an image of the start. It was a great, fast project the pushed us to think past the traditional proposal.
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Hi Nathan,
I am a furniture design student from Ireland. Its interesting to see another who has worked on the very same topic. I am currently undertaking a research thesis titled ‘Redefining the design of assembly instructions for the flat-packed furniture industry’. I actually attempted to gain some insight at the design headquarters of Ikea of Sweden in Almhult last week, travelling up from a visit to Denmark but could not arrange an interview on short notice. Would you have any words of wisdom/ guidance to offer me for my path forward? What were your findings in the end?
With Kind Regards,