My ConveyUX Talk

My ConveyUX Talk

ConveyUX talk I just gave this talk at the 2025 ConveyUX() conference and it was rushed with lots of resources referenced. In this post are all of those resources plus an overview (though not everything) that I covered in the talk. Part 1: WFT is Happening?...
An Archetypal Story

An Archetypal Story

The following is an excerpt from the book, A Whole New Strategy. Rick is a middle manager in his finance company. He’s in his late 40s and has two kids in elementary school. He’s worked his entire life, and he and his wife bring in a decent living. They’re comfortable...
Let Me Tell You A Story…The Mall Intercept

Let Me Tell You A Story…The Mall Intercept

An excerpt from A Whole New Strategy… The Mall Intercept The behavior of many leaders and managers in companies makes me wonder just how comfortable they are with people (instead of tools and reports). Often, when managers and leaders are asked to take part in...
Skills for the (Near and Far) Future

Skills for the (Near and Far) Future

While the air in the room is mostly being eaten-up by comments, declarations, and discussion of AI, this is merely the latest in a long line of machine and digital automation (and, therefore, transformation) of work (and play!). For so long, people with their eyes...
The Mall Intercept

The Mall Intercept

The following is an excerpt from the book, A Whole New Strategy.   The Mall Intercept The behavior of many leaders and managers in companies makes me wonder just how comfortable they are with people (instead of tools and reports). Often, when managers and leaders...
Interview with Dave Roselle

Interview with Dave Roselle

Nathan/ Should every organization be thinking about—and acting on—strategic foresight? David/ Companies need to reach a certain level of maturity to take advantage of foresight. Not every organization is ready to do it or use it. And, there’s a spectrum. All...