Lectures on YouTube

Lectures on YouTube

I’ve started recording more succinct version of the lectures from my teaching at CCA. These cover a variety of subjects, including Design Thinking, Color, Type, Information Design, and in the future will include all of my presentations, including videos...

Interview with Susan and Guthrie at Team W

My article and podcast conversation with Susan and Guthrie from Team W is now live. We talked design, economics, and how designers can be more business-aware in order to be more effective designers....
Strategy is in Crisis (presentation)

Strategy is in Crisis (presentation)

I was kindly invited by Danil Kislinsky to present to his impressive Go Global community about why business strategy needs to be completely rethought. This is the current focus on my professional work.
Math is a Virus (Quantified Intro)

Math is a Virus (Quantified Intro)

This is a series of posts from a book I’m in the process of writing. I’ll be posting more as various chapters are developing, not in any particular order. Please. Let me be clear right from the start. I don’t dislike or distrust numbers. I find them elegant and useful...
Should Corporations Go To Jail?

Should Corporations Go To Jail?

Whenever the subject of whether or not corporations are people comes-up in conversation, the most likely answer is “No! Are you kidding?” The conversation inevitably winds around to why corporations have rights that US citizens do not (they do, by the way) and if...
It’s Not Silicon Valley Anymore

It’s Not Silicon Valley Anymore

One of the things I’m most thankful to my parents for* is growing-up in Silicon Valley. To me, that means “a place where starting your own business wasn’t mythology, it was what the neighbors did.” When I started my first company with friends, back in 1989, in my last...