by admin | Oct 2, 2023
I’m going to try not to be too dismissive of the state of current or traditional business strategy or its process and tools but strategy has clearly not kept pace with advance- ments in other business domains and functions. I know this sounds alarmist but the current...
by admin | Sep 5, 2023
Nathan/ I wanted to ask you about research in the context of strategy, because it’s absolutely critical, but the type of research is, in fact, probably more critical than whether you do research or not. Obviously, there’s no point in doing bad research but...
by admin | Sep 5, 2023
Nathan/ You have a different approach to strategy from most traditional strategists, partly because you’ve said, before, that it’s broken. How do you fix it, either how it’s taught or how it’s practiced? Jon Pittman/ I built our process [at Autodesk]...
by admin | Sep 5, 2023
Nathan/ Your experience with strategy is different than most businesspeople—it’s unapologetically skeptical, if not, dismissive of traditional approaches to strategy. Carl/ Yes. In business, there is a huge number of people claiming things to be strategic that...
by admin | May 6, 2019
Design is the Solution (2019) By Nathan Shedroff 6″x9″ 304 pages, 4-color Design is the Solution is the update to my 2009 book on sustainable design, Design is the Problem, published by Rosenfeld Media. This update incorporates some new examples and several new...
by admin | Nov 26, 2016
I don’t post on Medium very often (or here, for that matter), but when I have something to say…
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